Famous artist is sentenced for drug offenses – arrested at the festival

During last year’s Lollapalooza festival, a famous Swedish artist was arrested.
Now he is sentenced for minor drug offenses and violent resistance – against his denial.

One of Sweden’s most popular artists is currently being sentenced for drug offences. He was arrested during last year’s Lollapalooza festival. That’s what SVT writes. The artist is sentenced in the Stockholm district court, despite his denial, to 40 days’ fines for minor drug offenses and violent resistance.

According to the verdict, it says that he “sat down to counterattack by buckling with his body, spreading his arms and kicking with his legs”.

According to the preliminary investigation, the artist said that he smoked cannabis abroad, just over a week before he was arrested – something prosecutor Karl Grange believes is not true.

– He has had narcotics in the system and his explanation, that he would have ingested it abroad, does not correspond with the analysis report we have in the case, he says to SVT.
