Family’s home destroyed by fire

Familys home destroyed by fire

A family of 11 has lost its home and possessions in a fire near the community of Fairground on Thursday.

Fire crews from five Norfolk County fire stations responded to a residence at 480 North Road after a passerby reported the house fire at about 4 p.m.

The structure was fully-involved when firefighters arrived at the scene.

No one was in the house at the time.

“Firefighting operations were efficient and no injuries were reported,” Cory Armstrong-Smith, Norfolk’s fire prevention officer, said in a media release.

“Due to the total loss of the home a fire investigation was not concluded. The cause of this fire has been undetermined,” he said.

The property was insured.

Firefighters from stations in Fairground, Langton, Port Rowan, Courtland and Delhi responded.

Armstrong-Smith stressed the importance of emergency planning, saying it is often overlooked.

“Consider keeping changes of clothing and other essentials at other family member’s homes or even in vehicles to ensure you have access if your home suddenly becomes inaccessible,” he said.

More information about fire prevention and safety plans is available at
