Family Law Lawyer About family eligibility and authorizations

“Using someone else’s BankID is criminal” • The difference in power of attorney and future power of attorney

When a parent suffers from dementia, simple everyday activities such as paying bills or retrieving medication can become major obstacles.
As a relative there is the opportunity to help, but only within certain frameworks.
“Using someone else’s BankID is criminal,” says family law lawyer Caroline Törnquist.

Family authority means that as a relative you are allowed to help a relative with things that belong to daily life. For example, you have to pick up medicine at the pharmacy and pay bills. But these cases must be done physically with identification, and not online.

– Using someone else’s BankID is criminal. It is called forgery and if it is rough you can get up to two years in prison, emphasizes Caroline Törnquist.

The difference between power of attorney and future power of attorney

A power of attorney enables a relative to perform documents for the proxy. With a regular power of attorney, the authority begins to apply immediately when it is signed. With a future power of attorney, the right to act into effect only when the proxy is no longer managed to manage his business.

– A future authorization is something you write today or when you are at the full use of your minds, but it does not start until the day you are permanently unable to manage your business due to illness, abuse or the like.

The lawyer: Dare to start talking about this

The family law lawyer believes that it is important to talk about these things, before the stage of illness or before you are too old, as it can be sensitive. She gives the tip that you should ask yourself who you want to help one if you lose legal capacity.

– Go to your bank, bring some of your children or your close relative that you have confidence in. It may be your spouse, your partner or who it is. And so talk to your particular bank. What can I get help with? And what do I want help with? Because there are authorizations and there are future authorizations. But start by finding out what I need help with.

Today 09:00

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