Family in Gränna is threatened by expulsion after errors on the board

Driver one of the area’s most popular restaurants • “should feel that we have done everything for them”

Amir Torkanzadeh runs one of Gränna’s most popular restaurants.
But after six years in Sweden, his family has been told that they can soon be expelled to Iran – which has been enormously recognized by Grännabor.
– We did everything, and do everything to stay here, that’s our dream, he tells TV4 News.

Six years ago, Amir Torkanzadeh, his wife Tahmineh Sajedi and their then four -year -old son to Sweden. Since then, they have studied, had a daughter and started a popular restaurant in Gränna – the only one that is open year -round in the tourist resort.

Recently, the message came that the whole family should be expelled to Iran, something the family believes is due to a misunderstanding about the restaurant’s board, which P4 Jönköping Previously reported.

– We love Sweden and enjoy it here in Gränna, I want to stay all my life here. We got a life here and have never received a grant but worked all the time. My family integrates into society. We did everything, and do everything to stay here, that’s our dream, he says.

Concern for the future of children

When the restaurant was started, Amir worked as a chef while his wife was on the board, which turned out to be unauthorized. Despite several attempts to rectify the error, the Migration Board’s decision made on expulsion. Amir, who has two children attending school, says he is worried about their future.

– It feels terrible to the kids. I can’t tell my son who doesn’t understand the situation, it’s horrible. My daughter has never been to Iran and she speaks Swedish. It is very sad that they make decisions for an entire family and do not see how it affects their lives. What should my children do there?

Grännabor starts name collection

But he still lives on hope. Nearly 900 people – corresponding to one -third of the inhabitants – have joined and wrote on a name gathering that Catrin Kvist at Gränna Business Association has started. She describes that the restaurant is of great importance to the resort and is an important part of tourism.

– If he has to leave, he should feel that we have done everything for him. They have worked every night and weekend and created jobs for us. I do not see how the mistake with the board can mean that they must not remain.

At the same time, she expresses special concern for her daughter in the family, who has all her upbringing in Sweden.

– You get a little abandoned, there is a lot of concern in our country but he is not one of them. But I get the most pain in my stomach because he has a daughter who is going to move to Iran, no woman in the world should be forced to it, she says.

TV4 News has sought the Migration Board.
