Family fishing fun hosted by Kiwanis Club of Rodney

Family fishing fun hosted by Kiwanis Club of Rodney

The annual Fishing Derby hosted by the Kiwanis Club of Rodney was once again an amazing success.

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Held at the Port Glasgow Yacht Club and the municipal marina, on Sunday, July 7, derby welcomed dozens of anglers, and their boats, to Lake Erie. Some arrived as early as 5 am but the official registration table for the event, complete with weigh-in scales and the fishing-themed trophies and medals, didn’t open until later in the morning.

There was also a hotdog booth that was provided as a free lunch for the children participating in the derby, as well as a free book table offered by the Rodney Kiwanians, whose efforts were spearheaded by Shawn GIllis and Ron Downie.

Representatives from the West Elgin Fire Department, area OPP detachment and the Ministry of Natural Resources also took part in the derby, bringing educational displays and agency vehicles to help entertain the young anglers and their parents.

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The largest fish of the day was scooped up in a milk crate from the inner harbour, where it had been basking near the surface of the water. The dish — a 12.86-pound sheephead — was weighed, and like most catches during the derby, released back into the waters of Lake Erie.

A total of 195 children were registered for the event, and most arrived with parents, siblings and grandparents, for a more multi-generational event.

The children caught an array of perch, carp, catfish, gobies, and pickerel, along with some large-mouthed bass. The children with the biggest fish in each of the three age categories, and the winners with the longest casts, received prizes. All other participants received a gift bag and a special gift, courtesy of the event’s generous donors.

The Kiwanis Club of Rodney welcomes dozens of enthusiastic young anglers to the Port Glasgow Yacht Club and municipal marina earlier this month for its annual fishing derby.Larry Schneider/Special to The Times-Journal jpg, WE, apsmc

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