Family Day Fun was served up in Petrolia and Sarnia

Family Day Fun was served up in Petrolia and Sarnia

New Life Assembly in Petrolia Had a Few Hunged People Over Monday for Breakfast.


It was the church’s annual free breakfast held as part of the town’s weekend of family day events and activities.

“We Will Quite Often Get Over 500 people to this,” Tim Brown, Community Care Pastor at New Life Assembly, Said after Monday’s Breakfast opened in the Church Hall.

Roxanne Thomson Works the Scrambled Egg Station Monday at the Family Day Breakfast at New Life Assembly in Petrolia. (Paul Morden/The Observer) Photo by Paul Morden /The Observer

Cooks arrived at 6 am to begin preparing scrambled eggs, pancakes and peameal bacon.

“We have a family farm that helps us, and donates all the eggs,” Brown Said.

About 30 Volunteers Helped, and there was a free family movie playing in church’s hand auditorium.

Family Day
Ron Hughes Cooks Peameal Bacon Monday in the Kitchen at New Life Assembly in Petrolia for the Church’s Family Day Breakfast. (Paul Morden/The Observer) Photo by Paul Morden /The Observer

“We have been a church that always wants to give back to the community,” brown said.

Monday’s Family Day Activities in Petrolia also included free skating at the Arena, free Swimming at the Petrolia ymca, as well as bouncy Castles, Games and a Barbecue, Plus Family Bingo at the Lions Hall. Other events we offered saturday and Sunday.


Family Day
Joanne Fearns, Fundraising and Volunteer Co-Ordinator with Victim Services Sarnia-Lambton, Holds Two of the Entries in the Agency’s Family Day Colouring Monday at Lambton Mall. (Paul Morden/The Observer) Photo by Paul Morden /The Observer

At Lambton Mall in Sarnia, Victims Services Sarnia-Lambton Hosted A Colouring Contest Monday “To Create so Beautoror Artwork so we can put them up at the Police Station,” Said Joanne Fearns, Fundraising and Volunteer Co-Order For the Agency

“I might have to keep a be for my office,” she added.

It was also an opportune to raise awareness about victim services, a community organization with offices at the police station and within local opponent, “that works to practically and emotionally support victim of crime or tragic circumstances,” fearns said.

She Said this was the first year the agency held a family day event.

“Everybody has been so willirful and excited for something to do,” fearns said.

Family Day
Devon Diao, 5, and His Father, Jie Diao, Take part Saturday in the Bluewater Anglers Sarnia Ice Fishing Derby on Sarnia Bay. (Paul Morden/The Observer) Photo by Paul Morden /The Observer

Family Day Weekend Events in the Area also included Saturday Morning’s Sarnia Ice Fishing Derby Hosted by the Bluewater Anglers.

It was the First Time Sale 2018 The Ice Fishing Derby was able to go ahead on sarnia bay.

Weather and pandemic restrictions interrupted it in recent years.

Family Day
Scouts Carter Bentley, 13, and Rooney Lamb, 12, Take part Saturday in the BlueWater Anglers Sarnia Ice Fishing Derby on Sarnia Bay. (Paul Morden/The Observer) Photo by Paul Morden /The Observer

It was a snowy morning saturday, but the derby still drew a crowd.

“We sold 150 tickets,” Said Club Spokesperson Darryl de Keyser. “Kids we not required to have tickets, so we estimation over 200 Easily participants.”

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