Fameccanica (Angelini) launches the Greenpackt project for 100% sustainable packaging

Fameccanica Angelini launches the Greenpackt project for 100 sustainable packaging

(Tiper Stock Exchange) – Fame mechanicsan international group controlled by Angelini Industries and leader in the field of disposable hygiene products, launches the Greenpackt project to make the packaging industry 100% sustainable.

The Greenpackt project allows you to industrialize and automate the production of packages of single-dose detergents, working both on the machine and on the packaging. In this first phase, Fameccanica designed two cars: one for the production of boxes from a sheet of cardboard already customized; one to accomplish resealable bags with zip, composed of laminated paper. Both packs have compact sizeensure a high moisture protection and boast a system of childproof opening.

“Today with Greenpackt we position ourselves as forerunners in proposing a patented system, an integrated machine-product solution, which involves the entire supply chain, from the selection of raw materials to their processing”, he declared Alexander BulfonCEO Fameccanica, adding “Greenpackt opens a door to the future of a strategic market, not yet controlled, offering more ecological, ethical and sustainable opportunities”.

Fameccanica has set itself the goal of respond to the increasingly significant demand from consumers to be able to use sustainable packaging, such as recycled cardboard. Greenpackt allows you to reduce emissions by 53% compared to traditional packaging. This means that if you replaced each new package produced in the traditional way with one from the Greenpackt project, you would generate an amount of oxygen equal to that of 4 million young trees planted every year or, alternatively, in terms of energy, you could meet the annual needs of nearly 70,000 Italian families.

The decision of use recyclable or biodegradable materials for the Greenpackt system also arises from willingness to make an effective contribution to the fight against pollution from plastic: currently, globally, only 9% of the plastic produced is recycled while at least 22% pollutes terrestrial and marine environments by contaminating their resources.
