False Covid pass: no risk of prosecution for holders who come to be vaccinated

False Covid pass no risk of prosecution for holders who

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    A letter intended for all health professionals written by the Directorate General of Health indicates that people with a fraudulent pass can be vaccinated without risk of legal action.

    The Ministry of the Interior counted 192,000 false passes on December 30, a number probably much higher in reality. Among these holders, those who wish to be vaccinated will be able to go to a center without risk of prosecution, indicates a PDF document sent to all health professionals by the Directorate General for Health on Monday 14 February.

    “The procedure for vaccination, cancellation of the fraudulent vaccination cycle, and registration of the new vaccination cycle is done under the authority of the head of the center or, when the head of the center is a health professional, of the administrative manager” indicates the document. The latter may administratively cancel the fraudulent pass.

    Consult a GP online

    No prosecution planned

    Those responsible will not have to inform the police, nor to verify compliance with the deadline initially provided for by law which allows “repentants” to report and be administered a dose within thirty days after having committed an offense related to the past or after the enactment of the text.
