Fallout 76 Mutation Invasion is out for free

Leksand extended the winning streak beat AIK

Fallout 76 Mutation Invasion is out, which all players can experience for free.

Fallout 76’s newest update, Mutation Invasion, is infecting public events. Face challenging missions in mutated events and earn great rewards. Gather your team and take on the challenges that await you in Mutation Invasion, free to play for all Fallout 76 players. The update also brings Season 12: Rip Daring and the Cryptid Hunt, as well as Daily Op improvements and much more.

Fallout 76 Mutation Invasion is out for free

Strange evolutionary power-ups called mutations make enemies even more deadly. A public event with a mutation appears every hour. A special icon indicates that this event is mutated, and regular public events will continue to appear for the remainder of the hour. Mutated public events include effects such as:

  • Active Camouflage: Enemies become invisible until attacked.
  • Volatile: Explodes when enemies die.
  • Reflective Skin: Damage to enemies is reflected back to you.

Mutations make public events difficult, but the rewards for surviving missions are different. Players who complete mutated public events will earn XP, legendary items, Treasury Notes, or the Mutated Package, which can contain some rare loot. Get additional rewards whether you’re a member or not by completing a mutated public event with a Fallout 1st member!

Daily Op Improvements

A new threat has appeared in the Daily Op gallery. Aliens have come from beyond the stars and settled in the Daily Ops! Destroy New Daily Op venues Capitol Building, Garrahan Mining Headquarters and Morgantown High School. Will you be the heroes of the day with your team?


Finally, a brand new season begins in Fallout 76! Join the adventurous hunter on this perilous journey through Season 12 in pursuit of the most elusive prey: Rip Daring and the Cryptid Hunt. As you play the game, you can earn SCORE and increase your rank with it and open new rewards. These rewards include usable items, currencies, and cosmetic items.
