Fakir, Teknosa, Vatan Bilgisayar and MediaMarkt have been investigated

Competition Authority Netlix Disney Exxen BluTV Amazon and Gain launched

The rivalry rate announced that an investigation was opened against Fakir, Teknosa, Vatan Bilgisayar and MediaMarkt.

In the official statement made on this subject, the following place given: “The Preliminary Contestation Competition Board (Board) was decided by the Board of Competition (Board) in line with the decision of the Board of Competition (Board) in accordance with the decision of the Board of Competition (Board) in line with the decision of the Board (Board);

-Whether it violated Article 4 of the Law No. 4054 by intervening in the sales prices of Fakir’s sales prices and restricting internet sales,

-This Teknosa İç ve Dış Tic. AŞ (Teknosa), Vatan Bilgisayar San. and Tic. AŞ (Vatan) and Media Markt Turkey Tic. Ltd. Ltd. In order to determine whether Article 4 of the Law No. 4054 has been violated by the realization of indirect information change between (MediaMarkt).

Fakir, Teknosa, Vatan and MediaMarkt on Article 41 of the Law No. 4054 in accordance with Article 25-07/177-M (2) was decided. ”

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