Fake prescription investigation in TRNC! Former Minister of Health İlktaç was detained

According to the information obtained by the AA correspondent from judicial sources, former Minister of Health and member of parliament İlktaç, who currently works as an active pharmacist in the city of Famagusta, was detained within the scope of the investigation launched last month after the Ministry of Labor and Social Security filed a criminal complaint.

İlktaç was included in the investigation on the grounds that there were inconsistencies in some prescriptions paid for by the TRNC Social Insurance Office.


6 people, including İlktaç, pharmacists and doctors, who were detained within the scope of the same investigation, were brought to the Famagusta District Court.

In order for the investigation to continue, the court decided that 6 suspects should be detained under police custody for 3 days each and that those with health problems should be examined by a doctor.

Within the scope of the “fake prescription investigation” launched last month in TRNC, the police detained more than 40 doctors, pharmacists and pharmacy employees and questioned them. (AA)
