Fake ID cards for SEK 45 – directly in the mobile phone

Fake ID cards for SEK 45 directly in the

BankID’s challenger Freja has been hijacked by young people who want to buy snus and folk beer. It reported, among other things Break it.

SEK 45 for fake Freja

By swishing 45 kroner to users on internet forums, young people get access to an app that looks like the Freja app in every way, but where the user himself can enter a picture, name and social security number.

The newspaper ETC was the first to report on it. Because the app has interactive elements, they are easy to use to trick shop staff when young people are trying to buy snus.

“No news”

The newspaper has spoken to Freja’s CEO Johan Henrikson. They know the problem, but have still chosen not to go out in the media with the issue.

– This is not really news in that way. We have been wrestling with this issue for over a year. We cannot send out press releases every day about the same thing. But I will check so that we publish some extra information, he says.

The shops’ fault

He believes that digital ID cards are more secure than physical equivalents such as queue cards and passports.

But none of them are safe if restaurateurs and shop owners don’t take their responsibility, he says.

– Using the control mechanisms that exist must be a matter of course for shop owners, restaurateurs and others who actually have a legal responsibility to ensure the age when selling tobacco and alcohol, says Johan Henrikson.

“More secure than physical cards”

This is what Johan Henrikson writes in a press release about the stores’ responsibilities:

– Spotting a fake physical ID can be next to impossible, but checking Freja’s digital ID is easy.

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