Fake drinks took a lot of life: How do you know if alcohol is a fake or real? Experts warn…

Fake drinks took a lot of life How do you

Fake alcohol Consumption, especially in recent months, creates serious health threats and deaths are increasing. There are more important points to be more careful about this dangerous situation.

Turkish Emergency Medicine Association President Ayça Açıkalın Akpınar made important statements with fake alcohol.

“It cannot be distinguished by smell and color”

What is the difference in order to distinguish whether alcohol is fake. Ayça Akpınar announced. Dr. Akpinar, “Fake alcohol to distinguish real alcohol is not only possible with the taste, smell or color,” he said, alcohol consumers licensed, closed, barcoded beverages should prefer.

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Early treatment saves lives

Recently, carbon monoxide and methyl alcohol poisoning has increased. Ayça Açıkalın Akpınar emphasized that early intervention is vital. Fake alcohol -related poisoning, especially in young adults, indicating that the expert, the treatment of such poisoning effectively drew attention to the importance of the treatment.

Akpinar, in case of methyl alcohol poisoning, the sooner the treatment is started, the more successful results have been obtained, “Fuzzy vision, general condition disorder, chest pain and shortness of breath, such as symptoms such as symptoms, should be applied to the nearest hospital,” he said.


“There is a risk in every alcohol taken from open”

Dr. Ayça Açıkalın Akpınar reiterated that it is very difficult to notice the content of fake alcohol, and suggested that alcohol consumers should only be preferred from reliable, licensed places, closed and barcode beverages.

“There is a risk in every alcohol taken from the open,” said Dr. Akpınar, “Absolutely taken from licensed places, closed, box, we recommend that they consume beverages with barcode.


Young people should be raised

Since it is not possible to notice false alcoholic beverages, experts recommend that alcohol consumers shop from safe places and consume only approved products.

It was also emphasized that especially young people should be raised against poisoning due to fake alcohol. Regardless of the source of alcohol, the rapid consultation of the health institution in cases of poisoning is critical to prevent life -threatening.


