Fair compensation, De Lise (accountants): ‘tsunami’ risk on professions

Fair compensation De Lise accountants tsunami risk on professions

(Finance) – “The law on fair remuneration, as it is structured, could cause a ‘tsunami effect’ on the world of professions. As a trade union association of chartered accountants, we are in line with the arguments of Senator Tommaso Nannicini (president of the Bicameral on social security institutions) and by Stefano Distilli (number one of the pension fund of chartered accountants): with the current rules, especially those related to the sanctioning aspect and the absence of any protection or exclusivity with respect to our activities, the fair compensation risks provoking in the coming years a flight of members from professional associations and the consequent collapse of the sustainability of the social security system “. He states it Matteo De Lise, president of the National Union of Young Chartered Accountants and Accounting Experts.

“We ask that the law be appropriately modified, perhaps also listening to the opinion of the professional world, to protect the orders and social security of tens of thousands of professionals”, added the UNGDCEC leader.
