Failures and successes of welcoming Ukrainian refugees

Failures and successes of welcoming Ukrainian refugees

With the bombings in Ukraine, millions of people have sought refuge all over Europe: mainly in Poland, but also in Germany, the Czech Republic and Italy. Compared to its eastern neighbours, the Netherlands has been much less confronted with the arrival of asylum seekers. And yet, the 62,000 Ukrainian refugees officially registered in the kingdom are at the heart of heated discussions. In The Hague, Antoine Mouteau.

The Ukrainians who had taken refuge in Bulgaria some have taken the road back: the welcome reserved for them at the outbreak of the Russian invasion, on February 24, 2022, seems more lukewarm today.

Those who had been installed in hotels were relocated at the beginning of the month without consideration: it was necessary to make room for tourists. The explanations to Sofia of Damian Vodenitcharov.

When welcoming refugees is a success

In Austria, the population is mobilizing to welcome newcomers as well as possible, with a particular effort in the field of culture: all Ukrainian artists benefit from an individual welcome. In Vienna, Celine Beal.

Identity, identities

In France who has been living, for months, to the rhythm of electoral campaigns, questions of identity remain particularly sensitive. How to do France? What is identity, identities? These are the questions answered by more than 200 students from colleges and high schools in Amiens, in the north of France. They worked all year on the project “My identities, my France”. Lise Verbecke.

In Catalonia, in the northeast ofSpain, the question of identity is often linked to that of language. And at school, the question is controversial. The region has just approved a decree to prevent schools from being sanctioned if they do not include Spanish in their classrooms. A way of circumventing the legislation which requires that at least 25% of the courses be taught in this language. The details ofElise Gazengel.
