failure in the legislative elections, mother of a daughter with Vincenzo Sofo!

failure in the legislative elections mother of a daughter with

MARION MARSHAL. Candidate as a substitute for Stanislas Rigault in the legislative elections, Marion Maréchal saw the candidacy stop in the 1st round in Vaucluse. The former RN deputy was able to console herself by formalizing the birth of her second child, a girl named Clotilde and born on Friday June 10!

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[Mis à jour le 13 juin 2022 à 12h35] Marion Maréchal will have experienced a real emotional lift during the weekend of the first round of the 2022 legislative elections. A few hours after the announcement of her failure in the legislative elections, Marine Le Pen’s niece formalized the birth of her second child, a girl named Clotilde was born on June 10 if we are to believe the photo posted on her Instagram account. Engaged as a substitute in the Vaucluse with Stanislas Rigault, one of the young figures of the Reconquest party! trained by Eric Zemmour, the former RN deputy saw his protege on Sunday June 12 be curtly eliminated on the evening of the first round.

The young candidate, president of Generation Z, and presented as promising by Marion Maréchal and Eric Zemmour, failed to qualify for the second round of the legislative elections. With only a fourth position and 10.54% of the vote, Stanislas Rigault ends up far from the RN candidate Bénédicte Auzanot who came first (26.08%) and Sylvie Vialat (Together!) Credited with 23.07%. The Nupes candidate, François Sandoz, is 3rd with 21.53% of the vote and is also eliminated. Stanislas Rigault had been able to count on weight supports. On May 28, a trio presented themselves to voters at the Cheval-Blanc meeting: Stanislas Rigault in the company of Marine Le Pen’s niece, and Eric Zemmour. All three spoke and praised the program of the far-right zemmourist party, but the former presidential candidate and the former deputy of Vaucluse also praised the young candidate who was making his first not in politics with insurance. Many hopes therefore rested on Stanislas Rigault, to win the constituency.

Marion Maréchal mom: who is her companion Vincenzo Sofo?

The dad is none other than the Italian politician Vincenzo Sofo, today an MEP met in 2016 and who had formalized the news via a snapshot on social networks a few hours earlier. The couple married in 2021. Marion Maréchal had a first child from her first marriage to Matthieu Decosse, a little Olympe born in 2014. Vincenzo Sofo, 35, was close to Matteo Salvini before moving away from the leader of the Northern League following its merger with Mario Draghi. He has since joined the sovereignist Fratelli d’Italia party.

Why was Marion Maréchal not a candidate for the legislative elections?

The role of deputy, Marion Maréchal knows it since she was for five years, from 2012 to 2017, one of the elected members of the National Front in the Assembly. The niece of Marine Le Pen who was competing at the time under the family banner had launched herself as a candidate in the Vaucluse and had won. Ten years after this first election, Marion Maréchal returns to the arena with a few differences: she is no longer the incumbent candidate but Stanislas Rigault’s alternate. A decision taken by the young woman who is expecting a child and could give birth between the two rounds of the 2022 legislative elections.

Marion Maréchal already mentioned her family life during the presidential campaign as one of the reasons that justified her reluctance to reinvest in the political scene. After reflection, the young woman decided to make compromises by returning step by step to politics: by holding a position within her new party but without becoming a national elected official again. She nevertheless put both feet back in the political sphere since she left the reins of her school of political science in Lyon, Issep, by swapping her position as general manager to simply become the head of the professional network pole.

Who is Marion Maréchal? Express Biography

Marion Maréchal-Le Pen is the granddaughter of Jean-Marie Le Pen, founder of the National Front, and the niece of Marine Le Pen, leader of the party renamed National Rally in 2017. She joined it herself in 2007 and then launched her political career. The following year, she stood in the municipal elections of Saint-Cloud but the FN list obtained only 6.3% of the votes. In 2010, she appeared on the FN list in the regional elections in Yvelines but won only 8.83% of the vote.

It was in June 2012 that she joined the Palais Bourbon as the youngest deputy in history. At 22, she was elected in the 3rd constituency of Vaucluse with 42.09%. She claims not to be far-right. She also opposed the bill opening up marriage to same-sex couples. At the National Assembly, she is a member of the commission for cultural affairs and education. From 2012 to 2017, Marion Maréchal-Le Pen was also a member of the political bureau of the National Front.

Following the first round of the 2015 regional elections, the list she leads in PACA region comes first, with 40.6% of the vote, ahead of the right-wing list led by Christian Estrosi and that of the Socialists of Christophe Castaner. The latter withdraws from the second round and supports the right to block the FN. Christian Estrosi was finally elected in the second round with 54.78% of the vote. But the National Front still won 42 seats out of the 123 in the region, from which the Socialist Party was totally absent.

In May 2017, Marion Maréchal-Le Pen retired from political life and a few months later participated in the function of the Institute of Social, Economic and Political Sciences (ISSEP), a school of higher education in political science. The young woman is appointed general manager of the establishment. She leaves the management of the school in May 2022 and reduces her administrative duties by taking a role in the school’s international partnerships. This decision is due to the return to politics of Marion Maréchal. The former deputy becomes a supporter of Eric Zemmour, presidential candidate 2022 and therefore an opponent of Marine Le Pen, and ends up joining the Reconquest party! as Executive Vice President.
