Fai-Conftrasporto on EU proposal for the transport of live animals. “No to the Commission document”

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(Finance) – Transport of live animals, Fai-Conftrasporto rejects the EU Commission’s proposal “It penalizes us.” To say it is Carlotta Caponigeneral secretary of the National Federation of Italian Road Transporters, who yesterday evening participated in a meeting organized by the IRU (the International Road Transport Union) working group on the transport of live animals.

At the centre, the proposal to revise the legislation on animal welfare during transport published last week by the European Commission. The four pillars of the proposal essentially concern: limited travel times and more breaks; more space per garment; improvement of export conditions to third countries; temperature limits during transport.

“Together with colleagues from the main European associations we have expressed great concern about what is only apparently a revision of an existing regulation, but in reality represents a real revolution for the transport of live animals”, he explains Carlotta Caponi.

“There is a risk of a crisis in the agri-food supply chain linked to the slaughter and processing of meat – he continues Caponi – The intent is to attack and make the road transport of live animals uneconomical to penalize the world of meat processing, from slaughter to the production of cured meats”.

“As Fai-Conftrasporto we will continue to work in close contact with the IRU and we will work to raise awareness not only Italian hauliers, but also all the subjects involved in the live animal transport chain (breeders, producers, slaughterers, processors, truck manufacturers) to prevent this proposal from seeing the light in the terms in which it was presented”, concludes the general secretary Fai- Conftrasporto.
