FAE Technology works on the listing on Piazza Affari

FAE Technology works on the listing on Piazza Affari

(Finance) – FAE Technology is working on the listing on the Milan Stock Exchange. The Bergamo-based company is currently completing the syndicate of banks to launch the initial public offering (IPO), as anticipated by the newspaper “Verità e Affari”. Contacted by Finance, the company has not made any comments to the indiscretion.

Based in Gazzaniga, in the Seriana Valley, the company operates in design, PoC development, industrial design, prototyping, production and supply of solutions in the embedded electronics sector and custom electronic products. In 2021 he registered a revenue equal to 24 million eurosan increase of 60% compared to the 15 million euros of the previous year.

FAE Technology was founded in 1990 by Francesco Lanza as a reality active in the production of small series of electronic boards. Over the years it has grown and in 2008 it has implemented the generational change: since then the son has been at the helm of the company Gianmarco Lanza. International expansion has also recently arrived: in 2021 it signed a strategic partnership with a company based in Berlin for the sales business development of the German market.

(Photo: © Luca Ponti | 123RF)
