facing the polls, Emmanuel Macron, cautious, mobilizes his troops

facing the polls Emmanuel Macron cautious mobilizes his troops

Less than a week after the formalization of his candidacy, Emmanuel Macron brought together the parliamentarians of the majority on Wednesday March 9 in the salons of Aveyron in Paris to call on them to mobilize. Despite encouraging polls, the president-candidate warned. For him, nothing is certain.

The parliamentarians came out fired up after about an hour and a half of discussions with Emmanuel Macron. The candidate asked them to be his ambassadors and to wet the shirt to help him campaign, as explained by the deputy Roland Lescure, at the microphone of Valerie Gas from RFI’s political department: ” Basically, we are going to be the bearer – each in our constituency, each in our territory – of this campaign which must be multiplied to convince each Frenchwoman and each Frenchman that we must go there, vote first, because the major challenge it’s participation, and that you also have to vote for him. »

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The danger identified would be to believe that the chips are down, with polls giving Emmanuel Macron more than 30% in the first round. Marie Christine Verdier Jouclas, MP for Tarn, understood this well: ” We redeposit confidence at the foot of the French men and women… and (we must) above all not consider that the little music which is short as what everything is done, it’s true. »

Nothing is done, and it is with a program he began to decline that the candidate Macron wants to convince the French. Among the reforms that have not been made in the five-year term, that of pensions, the hypothesis of postponing the retirement age to 65, mentioned by the press, is not denied by the boss of the deputies En Marche! Christophe Castaner. ” Let’s not anticipate subjects that for the moment are not in the President’s political project… The President of the Republic has announced that we will have to save the pension system and that is what we will also be talking about with the French “, he tempers.

A subject that is likely to animate the campaign.

Read also : Presidential 2022: the heritage of the 12 candidates under the magnifying glass

Also to listen : Will Emmanuel Macron step over the campaign? (the campaign minute)
