Facial asymmetry has an advantage, find out which one

Facial asymmetry has an advantage find out which one

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    Did you know ? The asymmetry of your face could play a key role in your cognitive abilities and performance according to researchers.

    Some people experience having one eye higher than the other or a slightly inclined nose as a problem. However, apart from each person’s own aesthetic appreciations, the asymmetry of a face can be an advantage.

    When facial asymmetry offers advantages

    A study carried out by researchers from the School of Psychology at the University of Auckland in New Zealand, published in May 2021 in the scientific journal Symmetry, the asymmetrical nature of a face would contribute to the proper functioning and improvement of cognitive abilities. This physical particularity would even go so far as to boost the performance of our cerebral and physical functioning. How is it possible ?

    Asymmetry, synonymous with cognitive efficiency?

    If scientists arrived at this conclusion, it is because they analyzed the evolution and function of body and brain asymmetries in human beings, but also in other species. The results demonstrate that these asymmetries are an integrated feature of our biology and have always been essential to our development and functioning. Language, manual manipulation… Asymmetry makes its contribution to the development of our abilities.

    In the same way, according to specialists, having an asymmetrical brain allows specialization of the hemispheres, thus optimizing our cognitive skills and our specific talents. Whether it is linked to our brain, our body or our face, asymmetry proves to be an ally!
