Faced with Western pressure, Algeria tempers its relations with Moscow

Faced with Western pressure Algeria tempers its relations with Moscow

Is Algeria revising its position on Russia following American and European pressure? Several events, but also statements by President Abdelmadjid Tebboune, suggest this.

Last September, nearly thirty members of the American Congress had asked the State Department to impose sanctions on Algerian officials for arms purchases from Russia, and this within the framework of the law for the fight against Washington’s enemies.

On the other hand, 17 MEPs made the same demands, calling on the European Commission to revise the association agreement with Algeria, on the grounds that it would support Russia in the war against Ukraine.

Visit to Moscow

In response, Algeria finally prefers to attenuate its relations with the Russia while waiting for the end of the war in order to cut short international pressure. Thus, in his latest statements, Algerian President Tebboune estimated that the crisis in the Sahel is 80% economic and 20% security and that the money invested by the junta in Mali to afford the services of the Russian militia Wagner would be ” more useful if it was invested in economic projects.

At the same time, his visit to Moscow, scheduled before the end of 2022, ultimately did not take place. Arms purchase contracts worth 22 billion dollars were to be signed there, but this sum, according to Algerian sources, was paid into the 2023 budget, the largest in Algerian history.

As to joint military maneuvers with the Russian army which were to take place not far from the Moroccan border in November, they did not take place either and no official announcement was made to explain this cancellation. However, Russian soldiers and weapons were already there.

Commercial Partners

Algeria seeks to avoid tensions with Washington and Europe and prefers, according to researcher Kader Abderrahim, ” wait to see the evolution of the conflict in Ukraine to reposition yourself.

In the meantime, it neither supports nor condemns the war in Ukraine, as the Algerian president recalled, affirming that his country is at the same time friendly with the United States, the European Union and Russia. Algeria, which has doubled its income from the sale of gas to Europe to 71% since the start of the crisis in Ukraine, is vigorously endeavoring not to upset its European partners.
