Faced with violence, thousands of people take refuge in Niger

Faced with violence thousands of people take refuge in Niger

The recent deterioration of the security situation in Burkina has forced tens of thousands of people to seek refuge in Niger. The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) is expressing alarm (in a press release published on 23 July). The UNHCR notes that this massive influx is exacerbating a situation that is already ” disastrous » in the Tillabéry region.

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THE UNHCR looked at the consequences of the attacks carried out from late May to early June 2024 in Burkina Faso by the ” non-state armed groups “, namely the jihadists of Jnim, the Group for the Support of Islam and Muslims, linked to al-Qaeda. These attacks were carried out in the communes from MansilaKantchari and Sempelga, in Burkina Faso’s Sahel region. These three attacks alone have “ forced more than 3 000 Burkinabe asylum seekers flee to Téra, in the Tillabéry region of Niger ». A region where there are already a large number of internally displaced Nigeriens.

In total, to date, the United Nations has recorded “ at least 153 000 internally displaced Nigeriens and more than 36 000 Burkinabe asylum seekers » in the Tillabéry region. A situation which « puts a strain on local resources and the resilience of host communities. “In addition to population displacement, the UNHCR explains that “ the constant attacks and clashes […] also complicate humanitarian access and protection efforts. »

The UNHCR is trying to support the Nigerien authorities in registering asylum seekers and providing medical care and clothing. The UN agency points out in particular a ” immediate need for food, emergency shelter and latrines ” and of ” modernization of water points. »

Read alsoBurkina Faso: the country ranked at the top of the most serious displacement crises for the second consecutive year
