Faced with suicide, mutual help from bereaved parents

Faced with suicide mutual help from bereaved parents

The association JPV – Living after the death of a child connects these bereaved parents. Together, they help each other and tell each other what they no longer dare to say in society.

A study by Public Health France published at the beginning of February reveals that 18-24 year olds are the most affected by suicidal thoughts and suicide attempts. With a clear upward trend according to Public Health France, particularly since the health crisis. In 2022, more than 10% have already thought about suicide. Twice as many as ten years ago. Observation of a “ deteriorating mental health of young people ”, according to the organization. And faced with the suicide of a young person, it’s a world that collapses for parents.

Read alsoFrance: sharp increase in suicide thoughts and attempts among young adults

Also listenSuicide, how to better prevent it?
