Faced with declining fertility… How will babies be made in the future?

Faced with declining fertility How will babies be made in

In this episode of La Loupe, Xavier Yvon takes an interest in these new fertility technologies with Alexandra Saviana, journalist at the Société de L’Express service and Robin Rivaton, Tech columnist, general manager of Stonal and member of the scientific council of the Foundation. for political innovation.

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The team: Xavier Yvon (presentation), Mathias Penguilly (writing), Marion Galard (editing) and Jules Krot (directing).

Credits: RMC

Music and dressing: Emmanuel Herschon / Studio Torrent

Picture credits: Philippe Huguen / AFP

Logo: Anne-Laure Chapelain / Benjamin Chazal

How to listen to a podcast? Follow the leader.

Xavier Yvon: At the editorial staff of L’Express, we regularly discuss the topics to be covered in La Loupe over coffee or at noon, when we go down to eat in the canteen. When a journalist talks to us about one of his subjects, it happens that we are immediately hooked. This is precisely what happened with today’s episode. Alexandra Saviana is the one who proposed it to us. Hello Alexandra!

Alexandra Saviana : Hi Xavier!

Xavier Yvon : Can you tell our listeners how you came up with the idea of ​​the subject we are going to talk about today?

Alexandra Saviana : It came from a discussion with girlfriends about freezing our eggs, because since 2021, all women aged 29 to 37 can do it. A few days later, I was targeted on Instagram by an ad that caught my attention. Here, look, I took a screenshot.

Xavier Yvon : Ok, we see a young man, between 25 and 30 years old, blond with blue eyes.

Alexandra Saviana : Colgate smile, very “ideal son-in-law”, almost too perfect, too smooth. Looks like an image generated by an artificial intelligence. Next to him are six dots: weight, height, ethnicity, eye color, hair color. All that, surmounted by a sentence in blue: “Find your donor”.

Xavier Yvon : And this ad, what did it refer to?

Alexandra Saviana : To the website of Cryos International, a private Danish company specializing in sperm donation. This company is even nicknamed “the Amazon of sperm” – and it’s not a nickname they vehemently refute. Except that in France, using its services is prohibited. It challenged me, I told myself that it was well worth an investigation.

Xavier Yvon : And an episode of La Loupe, of course. In this podcast, we will tell you about the methods of Cryos International, the needs it intends to meet and even some scientific experiments that hope to revolutionize medically assisted procreation. How will we make babies tomorrow? That’s the question we’re looking at today.

For further

PODCAST. Computers with human cells to boost AI

Infertility, the anguish of thirty-somethings: “What if my body could not accommodate life?”

Child’s project: “Every day, I have to tell patients to go abroad”

Decline in male fertility: “In the long term, this can become a danger for humanity”

