Facebook, step back on cryptocurrencies: the sale of Diem’s ​​assets is being prepared

Facebook step back on cryptocurrencies the sale of Diems ​​assets

(Finance) – Step back by Facebook on cryptocurrencies. The company of Mark Zuckerbergin fact, according to what emerges from some rumors it is preparing the disposal of the assets related to Diem, the cryptocurrency project launched in 2019 which was originally called Libra and after the 2020 rebranding was known as the Diem Association. According to the Wall Street Journal, the assets held by Facebook could be sold to Silvergate Bank for 200 million dollars which would be used to repay the companies that had allocated 10 million euros each to be part of the Diem Association.

Despite Mark Zuckerberg’s efforts, the market debut never happened. The project in fact it has not yet managed to obtain approval from US regulators e David Marcusthe founder of the initiative, left Facebook a few weeks ago.
