Facebook announced that they left 2 billion behind

Leksand extended the winning streak beat AIK

Facebook, Instagram and WhatsApproof company at the head of Meta, today once again important user-oriented data shared.

Despite the passage of many years, the emergence of many different alternatives and the great influence of TikTok in recent years, it is still one of the platforms that form the center of social media. Facebookcontinues its steady growth. The platform that lost young people, despite this, according to the statement made today It managed to surpass the number of 2 billion active users. The platform, which gained 16 million new subscribers in the last quarter, continues to make the company smile because it continues to bring in great advertising revenue. In the last statement in which this information was given, for 2023 “our management theme is efficiencyroof company that says Metaas it turns out “metaverse” 1 billion dollars every month for the future spends.


Meta has been in full swing in the past months. 11 thousand He made a lot of noise when he started to part ways with the staff. Before Meta dismissed this More than 87 thousand employees exists. Company CEO making a statement on the subject Mark Zuckerberg he stated: “Today I’m sharing some of the hardest changes we’ve made in Meta’s history. I’ve decided to reduce the size of our team by approximately 13 percent and lay off more than 11,000 of our talented employees. We are also taking a number of additional steps to become a leaner and more efficient company by cutting discretionary spending and extending our hiring freeze decision into Q1.”

Zuckerberg, He had actually given the first signal on this subject before. While the last quarter results were announced, the CEO said, “In 2023, we will focus our investments on a small number of high priority growth areas. This means that some teams will grow logically, while others will remain stable or shrink over the next year.” he said.
