Fabienne Carat cuts all her hair. His fans validate this radical change

Fabienne Carat cuts all her hair His fans validate this

Fabienne Carat revealed herself on Instagram with a brand new haircut. Like many stars, she succumbed to the bob and it suits her perfectly.

Fabienne Carat is a woman of many talents. Actress, comedian and singer… She has more than one string to her bow. But she also masters the codes of beauty, and particularly those of hairstyle. As proof, the star of 44 years dared to have a hair change, and it wasn’t done halfway!

Fabienne Carat sports the hair trend of the moment

The former interpreter of Samia in More beautiful life caused a sensation on Instagram by revealing herself with a brand new haircut this Sunday, October 15. While we have always known her with long hair, Fabienne Carat decided to radically change her look and posted a series of photos that show the before/after. Indeed, she gave in to the temptation of the very popular bob in an ultra desirable version: a long slightly gradient square on the front to give movement to her hair. This pretty cut, which hits the shoulders, is accompanied by a side section for a perfectly modern look.

A transformation validated by fans of Fabienne Carat

This change in haircut caused a lot of reaction from Fabienne Carat’s 305,000 subscribers. While some criticize her for not being concerned enough by the death of the actor who played Abdel Fedala in More beautiful lifemost of his subscribers have published positive messages. In fact, they didn’t wait long before liking and commenting on the post: “I love it, it suits you much better“, “Great haircut“, “You look 10 years younger“, “This cut suits you perfectly. It lights up your face” can we read below the Instagram post. A hair metamorphosis that is unanimous!
