Fabian Cederholm gets life for the murders at Malmö Latin

Fabian Cederholm gets life for the murders at Malmo Latin

Published: Less than 20 min ago

Updated: Just now

Fabian Cederholm is sentenced to life imprisonment for the murders of two teachers at Malmö Latin School.

It is the first time that an 18-year-old has been sentenced to life imprisonment in Sweden.

18-year-old student Fabian Cederholm is sentenced to life imprisonment for the murders of two teachers at Malmö Latin School.

Earlier this year, he attacked two female teachers with two knives, an ax and a hammer.

“On Sunday, March 20, 2022, Fabian Cederholm decided to carry out an attack on his school the following day and kill one or more people. He did not name any particular people as victims. His plan was instead that the circumstances would randomly become decisive for whom he would kill,” writes the district court in the judgment.

full screen Fabian Cederholm, 18, is sentenced to life imprisonment. Photo: The police

Both women died from their injuries.

“These are two very brutal murders where the victims were caused severe suffering and felt severe fear of death. The course has not been short-lived and the perpetrator’s actions cannot be described as anything other than extremely reckless,” comments lawyer Johan Kvart, who presided over the trial, in a press release.

full screen This is how Fabian Cederholm, 18, left the toilet seconds before the crime. Photo: The police

First 18-year-old to be sentenced to life

Fabian Cederholm has admitted the crimes and the district court judges that he committed the acts with intent to kill.

“His confession is fully and unequivocally supported by the other oral and written evidence relied on in the case,” the district court writes further.

One of the acts has also been caught on film by the school’s surveillance cameras.

The district court has also made the assessment that Fabian Cederholm did not commit the murders under the influence of a serious mental disorder.

This is the first time that an 18-year-old person has been sentenced to life imprisonment in Sweden.

Fabian Cederholm’s lawyer has previously told Aftonbladet that they will appeal if there is a life sentence.
