Eye-catching Windows 12 concept from Turkish designer [Video]

Eye catching Windows 12 concept from Turkish designer Video

Turkish designer Kamer Kaan Avdan, prepared today Windows 12 managed to make a sound with the operating system concept.

Kamer Kaan Avdanprepared the “iOS 13“, “Windows XP 2018 Edition“, “Windows 7 2018 Edition“, “Windows XP Mobile 2018 Edition“, “Windows Vista 2018 Edition” and “Windows 11”, “Android 11“, “Windows XP 2019 Edition“ , “Apple designed Windows 10“, “iOS 14“, “Windows 20”, “Windows 7 2020 Edition” and “Android 12” will surely remember with their concepts. This is among the works that make a serious impact, which will be launched today in the coming years. Windows 12 Added an imagined concept for Avdan, which presents a very dynamic, innovative and modern interface for W12, is a tool that adapts to toolkits (Widgets). has also designed an impressive wallpaper infrastructure.

In this infrastructure, the design elements of the wallpaper make room for the widget placed on the screen and move, bringing a three-dimensional experience. “Why is Microsoft not considering these?” The concept, which asks the question, includes a modern file manager, innovative multi-screen interface and more. Kamer Kaan Avdan‘s YouTube channel directly from here you can follow. How did Avdan prepare these videos? here and here you can see the videos.


As additional information, as revealed in the past months Microsoft, It will bring a new version every three years”into the Windows Development Cycle” is transitioning. Mark it here Windows 12 operating system 2024 It is alleged that in.
