Extremist group ravages eastern Congo-Kinshasa

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The perpetrators attacked the town of Mamove on Saturday morning. Nine adults, mostly women, were killed and two houses set on fire.

On Saturday night, civilians were attacked on a major highway in the province of North Kivu leading to the border with Uganda. Five men were killed in the act, which is also attributed to the extreme Islamist group AFD, which claims to have links to the terrorist movement IS.

As a result, the fragile security situation in the Congo-Kinshasa region and in neighboring Uganda appears to have deteriorated sharply, despite Congolese President Felix Thsisekedi issuing emergency laws in North Kivu and neighboring Ituri province.

Forces from both countries have tried to gain control of the areas, but without success.

– We have told the army what happened, but it has not yet launched a counter-offensive. The enemy can plunder and kill just as it pleases, says Kinos Katuo who is the local leader of Mamove.
