Extremely high risk of forest fires – SMHI warns

Extremely high risk of forest fires SMHI warns

The warning applies to northeastern Götaland, large parts of Svealand and southeastern Norrland until 11 p.m. on Thursday, SMHI writes on its website.

The risk is assessed to be “extremely large”

In some places, the risk of fire is considered to be “extremely high”, and then there are certain things that are extra important to think about:

– Above all, you have to be careful when dealing with fire, even though today fortunately there are fairly weak winds, says Erik Höjgård-Olsenmeteorologist at SMHI.

The hottest day of the year so far measured

During Tuesday, the year’s hottest day so far was also measured at the measuring station Forse in Västernorrland County.

— We measured 31.0 degrees there. The previous highest measured temperature was in Osby on June 1 with 29.4 degrees, says Erik Höjgård-Olsen.

— I can imagine that you can beat that record already today, we are going up to 30 degrees in, among other places, northern Uppland and a bit to the west.
