Extremely hard sci-fi hit from master director Paul Verhoeven, which got a terrible remake 27 years later

Extremely hard sci fi hit from master director Paul Verhoeven which

If you don’t know RoboCop, you missed the 80s. At least that’s the credo of many fans of the sci-fi masterpiece, which, among other things Due to its extreme violence, it hit like a bomb in 1987. Over the years, the shocked critical response increasingly gave way to appreciation for the film’s satirical elements. At Amazon Prime it is available as a streaming flat rate *.

On Amazon Prime: Sci-Fi hit by Paul Verhoeven, whose new edition failed

RoboCop is about the young police officer Murphy (Peter Weller), who is on an assignment is killed in a particularly sadistic way. An arms company then revives him as a merciless cyborg vigilante. However, the memories of his human life are returning more and more.

Check out the trailer for RoboCop here:

RoboCop – Trailer (German)

Many critics showed up at the film’s release in 1987 repelled by the supposedly glorified violence in the film (via Meta Critic). Since then, the film’s almost cartoonishly bloody scenes have been celebrated by many as a subversive strategy by Paul Verhoeven (Starship Troopers), who used it to criticize a society determined by violence.

By the time the remake RoboCop was released in cinemas in 2014, Verhoeven’s film had long since achieved cult status. The new edition starring Joel Kinnaman However, it fell through with many critics, who, among other things, criticized the lack of socially critical elements. Anyone who loves the remake can hope for a re-evaluation in the next 20 years. (More on the topic: Paul Verhoeven regrets his sci-fi horror film from 2000 to today)

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