Extremely entertaining thriller with 1000 twists in the finale

Extremely entertaining thriller with 1000 twists in the finale

After the great success of Bridesmaids, director Paul Feig has equaled us over the past decade several great comedies and always mixed in another genre. Especially in connection with fun action (taffe girls, Spy – Susan Cooper Undercover) his humor works great.

In 2018 he went one step further and worked on a black humor thriller full of dark secrets and unexpected turns tried out. Just a Small Favor begins as a cozy suburban film. However, it doesn’t take long for Blake Lively and Anna Kendrick’s encounter to escalate fatally.

  • Today on TV: Just a little favor is on ProSieben tonight at 8:15 p.m. The repetition follows at 00:45 at night.
  • A thriller full of unexpected twists: Just a Small Favor starring Blake Lively and Anna Kendrick

    Just a Little Favor tells the story of Stephanie (Anna Kendrick), who has been taking care of her son Miles (Joshua Satine) on her own since the death of her husband – and with great success: As mom blogger she shares insights into her life and is always available with advice and action when someone approaches her with a concern.

    You can watch the trailer for Just a Small Favor here:

    Just a little favor – Trailer (German) HD

    One day, Emily (Blake Lively) approaches Stephanie with a request: Can she babysit her son Nicky (Ian Ho)? No problem! Stephanie takes care of the little one and also gets to know his father Sean (Henry Golding). When Emily is still not back after a few days, Stephanie becomes suspicious.

    Paul Feig presents us with such a perfect suburban idyll that after a few moments there are no longer any doubts about the abysses behind the facade. Still, the thriller lets us long time in the dark about who is hiding which secret. It is only in the last act that Just a Small Favor unpacks one twist after the other – the film literally overturns.

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