“Extremely dangerous”, describes the Japan Meteorological Agency – a super typhoon is approaching the island nation

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Typhoon Nanmadol could become Japan’s most destructive tropical storm in decades. The Japan Meteorological Agency urges people to get out of the way of the storm in time.

Elsa Osipova,

Mikko Leppänen

The Japan Meteorological Agency warns of a strong typhoon Nanmadol, which is forecast to make landfall in the southern parts of the country on Sunday.

Strong waves and heavy rain are expected on the southern Japanese island of Kyushu. It can rain up to half a meter.

Nanmadol has been classified as a super typhoon by the US Navy’s Typhoon Warning Center. The Japan Meteorological Agency, on the other hand, describes the typhoon as extremely dangerous. It could even become Japan’s most destructive tropical storm in decades.

– There is a risk of unprecedented storms, high waves and record rainfall, representative of the Japan Meteorological Agency Ryuta Kurora said at a press conference, according to news agency AFP.

According to Kurora, typhoon winds can collapse buildings. In addition, there may be floods and landslides. He urged residents to be careful and evacuate in time.

According to the Japanese broadcasting company NHK, flights and trains have been canceled because of the typhoon.

Nanmadoli is the 14th typhoon of the season and its maximum wind speed was 45 meters per second on Friday.

On Saturday morning, on the island of Minamidaitōjima, the wind speed was reported as 75 meters per second. Minamidaitōjima is located 400 kilometers east of the island of Okinawa.

According to Friday’s forecast, the storm will pass over Kyushu, but then change its direction to the northeast, in which case its path would pass directly over all of Japan’s main islands or just skirt their northern shores. The storm is forecast to sweep over Tokyo on Tuesday.

In 2019, typhoon Hagibis killed more than a hundred people in Japan.
