Extreme heat closes the Acropolis

Extreme heat closes the Acropolis
full screen On Friday, the Acropolis was closed during the five hottest hours. The picture is from Thursday. Photo: Petros Giannakouris/AP/TT

The extreme heat maintains its grip on southern Europe. In the Greek capital of Athens, the Acropolis was closed during the five hottest hours, “to protect employees and visitors”, says Culture Minister Lina Mendoni to the public service company ERT.

She predicted that the same closure will take place on Saturday, when the temperature, like on Friday, is expected to reach 40 degrees Celsius.

Some snooty tourists had to turn around at the closed entrance.

In northern and western Greece, temperatures can rise above 40 degrees. According to the Greek weather service EMY, Friday’s highest reading could be 44 degrees.

Italy, Spain, France, Germany, Croatia, Serbia and Poland are also plagued by the extreme heat, named Kerberos after a three-headed monster in Greek mythology.

The heat seems to be lingering, and several countries are warning of a high risk of fire.
