Extraordinary weather phenomenon: the fiery sky

Extraordinary weather phenomenon the fiery sky

Every sunrise and sunset is different, but some are particularly spectacular and look like a real artist’s painting, or even a sci-fi sky: red, purple, orange, yellow. It happens that the sky is ablaze in a flamboyant way! The sky of fire is the result of a skilful mixture of light, clouds, and other more or less natural particles.

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During the day, the sky is blue. At sunset, it becomes reddish. What is this beautiful color due to?

The sky of fire is a natural phenomenon that can occur anywhere in the world, but certain geographical areas are more advantaged than others: the burning of the sky depends on the situation weather report and the composition of the atmosphere at that precise moment.

The color is first determined by the distance that the light from Sun. The greater this distance, the redder the hues. This is why the best time to see a fiery sky, in suitable weather conditions, is 10 to 15 minutes after the start of sunset.

The most beautiful fiery skies occur during severe thunderstorms

To obtain a great sky at sunrise or sunset, it is necessary that the sunlight meets a large number of molecules : of the clouds or humidity, pollution particles, or even dust from sand. The type of clouds present at that time plays an essential role: the higher and more extensive the clouds, the better the sunlight diffuses over them. The category of clouds that best fulfills this role is that of shower clouds orthunderstorms. The cumulonimbus (thundercloud) are so extensive horizontally and vertically that they usually produce the most beautiful fiery skies, but altocumulus clouds, thick clouds located at medium altitudes, also give beautiful results. The most multicolored fiery skies are therefore usually photographed during stormy degradations in spring and summer. Beware, the most spectacular skies therefore occur during severe thunderstorms !

The sand gives an additional tint to the painting

Other components can come into play for even more grandiose colors, such as sand particles, from the famous clouds of sand. Superb colored skies had been photographed over our country during the passage of the clouds of sand, coming from the Sahara towards France, in April 2022 lessons. Pollution can also play a role, but it all depends on the altitude at which it circulates: very often, pollution particles from transport and industry are too low in the atmosphere to influence the colors of the sky, but certain pollutants travel more at altitude.

The desert is the origin of the most beautiful fiery skies

Violent thunderstorms, sand, wind, large expanses with an unobstructed view… What are the areas in the world that combine all these characteristics? The deserts (America, Australia, Africa…), and more particularly the american desert often staged with a spectacular fiery sky on posters and wallpapers. In this area particularly, during the monsoon period in summer, storms peak at very high heights (15 km) and sometimes extend over 100 km. The wind of the storms raises the dust of the desert, and light reflects off of it, giving orange and red hues. The multicolored sky is also the emblem of the flag of Arizona.

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