Extraordinary health concerns in the Norwegian cross-country team – the star skier failed the health check again

Extraordinary health concerns in the Norwegian cross country team the

The Norwegian cross-country team has struggled with the coronavirus this fall. However, Ingvild Flugstad Östberg and Helene Marie Fossesholm have other troubles.

Norway’s national cross-country season starts this coming weekend in Beitostölen. Struggled with many health problems in recent years Ingvild Flugstad Östberg did not pass the national team health check. Thus, he was not allowed to compete.

– He did not meet the requirements of the health check, which is the criterion for him being allowed to represent Norway in international skiing competitions, the doctor of the Norwegian national team Ove Feragen said For the Norwegian public broadcasting company NRK.

According to Feragen, Östberg will not be allowed to compete until he passes a health check.

Nor about the national team skiers Helene Marie Fossesholm or Tiril Udnes Weng do not compete in Beitostölen. Weng is recovering from the coronavirus, and Fossesholm has suffered challenges throughout the fall.

– In the fall, the joy of sports has been missing. I haven’t been myself physically or mentally. The situation is better now, but I have to move forward little by little, Fossesholm posted on his own Instagram account on Monday.

Östberg has years of health struggles

Östberg commented on his difficult situation in a press release from the Norwegian Ski Association.

– The balance between nutrition and training has not been good enough, Östberg revealed.

The two-time Olympic champion emphasized that he has high standards for himself and is constantly trying to improve in order to fight for medals and success. At the same time, he wants to take care of his own health.

– I have worked a lot and received support from those around me, but unfortunately not all areas are good enough to pass the health check, Östberg said in the press release.

For the first time, Östberg “knocked” the health check in the fall of 2019. In the spring of 2020, he broke his heel and in the following training season he suffered a stress fracture of his leg.

Only last season did he return close to the level of his peak years. Östberg has previously told NRK that he struggled with the balance between nutrition and exercise.

In the release, it was pointed out that Östberg wants to be open about his situation, so that he can be of help to others suffering from similar difficulties. National team doctor Feragen said that Östberg’s competition this season depends on the development of the 33-year-old skier’s condition.

– If he gets a better balance in terms of nutrition and training, he can pass the health check at some point, Feragen estimates.

According to him, it is difficult to say whether we are talking about weeks or months.
