Extraordinary fantasy film that tells you the end of a discontinued series

1687107227 Extraordinary fantasy film that tells you the end of a

Amazon Prime recently added a powerful fantasy film to its streaming subscription: The wife of the time traveler gave time warp a fun new spin in 2009. In addition, disappointed series fans can fill a gap that was recently torn by the new adaptation The Time Traveler’s Wife.

The Time Traveler’s Wife changes your fantasy perspective on Amazon

Based on the book The Time Traveler’s Wife * by Audrey Niffenegger, Robert Schwentke’s fantasy film, which has now been published on Amazon, tells above all a love story: Clare (Rachel McAdams) and Henry (Eric Bana) are brought together by fate … but again and again torn apart. Because Henry has one “Ability” he can’t control: He leaps through time. Sometimes it stays for days and weeks at a time, other times it vanishes into thin air after minutes in Clare’s presence.


The Time Traveler’s Wife (2009)

The exciting approach taken by The Time Traveler’s Wife as a fantasy experiment: The focus is not (as in so many other films) on Henry’s time travel adventure, but on Clare’s perspective on the relationship, which is put to the test by his constant absences and changing age levels. Henry’s genetic time illness leads to hilarious situations, like the “first encounter” between the two, in which Clare has long known him, but also to dramatic accidents when he is transported naked to nowhere.

How the film uses this time travel to create its poignant romance spiced with fantasy elements to tell, you should definitely experience it at Amazon. Also because topics such as predestination and free will are dealt with here in a fascinating way.

Amazon has the fantasy consolation for disappointed series fans

Last year, Audrey Niffenegger’s novel starring Theo James (Divergent) and Rose Leslie (Game of Thrones) in the lead roles, this time as the HBO Max series The Time Traveler’s Wife, directed by Steven Moffat (Sherlock, Doctor Who). However, the promising project took place abrupt end after season 1, leaving the narrative unfinished.


The Time Traveler’s Wife – the (half) series version of The Time Traveler’s Wife

Petitions to save the fantasy series or to have it continued by another broadcaster have since been unsuccessful. But with the film version in its own streaming catalogue, Amazon now offers at least (for those who don’t like books) an easy way to find out how Henry and Clare’s story ends.

Podcast for series fans: 13 fantasy highlights starting this year on Netflix, Disney+ and more

Netflix, Disney+, Amazon and Co. have several exciting fantasy series in the starting blocks for the coming months. Whether ghost detectives, German myths with villainous heroes or the real-life anime series for One Piece and Avatar: We present the next 13 highlights to you.

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Alongside The Witcher season 3, the angel-devil duo from Good Omens are also returning to the stream for a season 2 after four years. You can also discover a few promising fantasy series that you probably haven’t heard of until now.

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