Mom left her child for a day – went to nightclub
Three news you must not miss:
Extradition of murder suspected from Turkey delays
Extradition of murder suspected from Turkey delays
A 22-year-old Swedish man who was arrested in Bodrum in Turkey on January 17 has not yet been extradited to Sweden.
To SVT News Småland Saying prosecutor Mårten Alvinsson that the process night has the man extradited can take up to six months.
– Now it is being processed in Turkey. It will be investigated and tried by the court there, says prosecutor Mårten Alvinsson.
The 22-year-old is suspected of instigating a number of blasts and murders, both in Malmö and Växjö according to documents from the district court. Documents also show that the man is believed to have recruited children and persuaded them to perform deeds both in Sweden and abroad.
According to Aftonbladet’s information, the man is linked to Rawa Majid’s network Foxtrot – a network that has previously been involved in several violent conflicts in Sweden and abroad.
Digital samples shut down: “Very serious”
Digital samples shut down: “Very serious”
The test service for the digital national tests is canceled in the spring of 2025, the National Agency for Education writes in a press release.
It is after the stroll with the spelling and grammar control and the students’ leaked personal data that is behind the decision.
The National Agency for Education will report the personal data incident to the Privacy Protection Agency (IMY).
– I look very seriously at what has now emerged. We at the National Agency for Education must take our responsibility. The pupils’ personal data has a special protection value, and we must be absolutely sure that we can carry out the important national tests safely and with high quality, says the authority’s Director General Joakim Malmström in a statement.
Pupils are referred to write the national test with pen and paper or on the schools’ own platforms.
Foreign Ministry calls up Iran’s ambassador “urgent”
Foreign Ministry calls up Iran’s ambassador “urgent”
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has called Iran’s ambassador after receiving “very worrying signals” about the doomed Ahmadreza Djalaralis deteriorating health.
“Against this background, Iran’s ambassador today, March 7, has been urgently called up to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs,” the authority writes in a press release.
The Swedish-Iranian KI researcher was arrested during a work trip in Iran in 2016 and is imprisoned in the notorious Evin prison in Tehran.
In an audio message from inside the horror prison from January 14 this year Djalali said that he suffers from several illnessesincluding gallstones, neuropathy and heart rhythm disorders.
“It poses a danger to my life and allows me to have a cardiac arrest,” he said.
Lidl withdraws lamb mince – contains salmonella
Lidl Sweden withdraws lamb mince of the Svea country meat brand. Photo: Lidl
Lidl withdraws lamb mince – contains salmonella
Lidl Sweden withdraws lamb mince of the Svea country meat brand. In a routine analysis of the product, Salmonella has been found in a party.
The withdrawal applies to packages of 500 grams with the best pre-date March 11 and March 14. They are removed from the store, and customers who bought the product are encouraged to return it.
“Lidl Sweden regrets and looks seriously at what happened,” the food chain writes in a press release.
Salmonella can mean a health hazard, but the bacterium dies when heated to about 70 degrees.
Sentenced for terrorist plans against Parliament appeals
The men planned a terrorist attack against Parliament as revenge for the Qur’an burns. File image. Photo: Claudio Bresciani/TT
Sentenced for terrorist plans against Parliament appeals
The two men in Germany who were convicted of terrorist plans against the Swedish Parliament appeal against their judgments, the Court of German Jena announces.
They were both sentenced last week to five and a half and four years respectively and two months in prison.
The men, who are Afghan citizens but live in Germany, were arrested in March last year. According to the prosecutor, they have links to Afghanistan -based IS Khorasan and must have been in contact with the terrorist group to carry out an attack on the Riksdag as a revenge for the Qur’an burns in Sweden.
Alarm about suspected dangerous object
Alarm about suspected dangerous object
A suspected dangerous object has been found in central Malmö. An area has been blocked off, police say. The object is deemed to be sharp according to the police.
National bomb protection has been sent to the site. A VMA, important message to the public has been sent out.
“You will house the property,” says Evelina Olsson, spokesperson for the police in the South region.
According to Aftonbladet’s information, a suspected hand grenade that has been found. It has been found near a school, according to information.
The alarm came in just before 2pm.
Suspected attempted murder – tried to strangle woman
Suspected attempted murder – tried to strangle woman
During the morning, the police were alerted to an address in Älvsborg. There, a 45-year-old man must have tried to strangle a woman who slept before he later left the scene, according to police.
The incident occurred shortly after 13 o’clock.
The man was arrested in his home by the police and was suspected of attempted murder.
– She is shocked and upset and was taken to hospital. She has no life -threatening injuries, says Jens Andersson, spokesperson for the police.
The woman and the man have previously had a relationship.
Truck and sea eagle in crash
Truck and sea eagle in crash
A motorist alerts that a truck collided with a sea eagle between Gimo and Hargshamn.
The truck driver must have driven on after the crash.
The police contacted Stockholm’s wild bird rehab who will take care of the bird that was still alive after the accident.
Sea eagles are part of the state’s game and you should always call the police if you encounter such animals, dead or alive. They shall assess whether the animal is in need of care or is transported to SVA or the Natural History Museum.
Pope thanks for the support
Pope thanks for the support
Pope Francis, 88, thanks for the support he has received lately.
“From the depths of my heart I want for your prayers for my health,” writes the Pope on X.
The pope is cared for for double -sided pneumonia and on Thursday the Vatican states that his condition is stable.
School evacuated by threat
School evacuated by threat
A school in Reftele has been evacuated by threats. The evacuation began at 12.30.
– It is the municipality and not the police who have made the decision. We have been on site and the police assess the threat picture as was low, but we support the municipality in their decision, says police spokesman Mats Pettersson.
– We have become aware of an oral threat to the school that has been presented to staff.
The police are now cooperating with the municipality and working security creation.
– A preliminary investigation has been opened and the heading is currently illegal threats to groups.
Three people hit by bus in Linköping
Three people hit by bus in Linköping
The rescue service and several ambulances have been alerted to an accident in Linköping. Three people have been hit by a bus, reports Corren.
– There should be three people who are affected and right now the injury situation is unclear. We are working on the case, says Mats Pettersson, press spokesman for the police in the East region.
The police have talked to the bus driver and a notification of carelessness in traffic and causing bodily injury has been established.
Three are being arrested after the murder in Fruängen
Three are being arrested after the murder in Fruängen
Three people have been arrested after the murder in Fruängen on Sunday, when a 16-year-old boy was shot dead. This is what the Prosecutor’s Office writes in a press release on Friday.
They are suspected of probable cause for assisting in murder and assisting in attempted murder.
Times for the detention negotiations are not yet set.
Two men in their 80s in crash
Two men in their 80s in crash
The alarm about the accident came at 12.18.
Police are alerted to Drottninggatan in Ljungby where a passenger car and a bicycle have collided with each other.
Both drivers are in their 80s. There are no suspicions of crime and no personal injury has been reported.
A person stuck in machine by industrial area
A person stuck in machine by industrial area
One person is stuck with his hand in a machine at an industrial area in Perstorp.
– We are in place together with an ambulance. Police are on their way to the scene, says Melissa Millbourn, guard officer at the rescue service.
– The injury situation is unclear but the person is conscious.
Mammography images were approved without review
Mammography images were approved without review
Ten patients in Gävleborg have had their mammography images approved without being reviewed, reports P4 Gävleborg.
In a press release, the region writes that a check has been made and that none of the patients concerned have any increased risk of cancer.
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