Extra tax on Chinese electric vehicles in the European Union

Extra tax on Chinese electric vehicles in the European Union

An extra tax has been imposed on Chinese electric vehicles in the European Union. The controversial step was officially taken on July 4.

Electric vehicles brought to Europe from China, will now face an additional 37.6 percent customs duty on top of the current 10 percent customs duty. In the process, a taxation that varies from brand to brand is applied. MG’s owner SAICwhich is the highest rate 37.6 percent is taxed on top. Geely 19.9 percent extra for vehicles, BYD vehicles are subject to an additional tariff of 17.4. The European Union has made this decision He said that Chinese manufacturers were distorting competition with the huge state support they received. And has implemented the new era as of today. New official made on this subject in the statement, “These provisional taxes will be applied for a maximum of four months. During this period, the final decision on the final taxes will be taken by a vote of the EU member states. Once this decision is accepted, the taxes will be final for a period of five years.” It was said. The Chinese administration and Chinese manufacturers reacted seriously to this situation, which is not surprising..


At the same time, Germany did not find the step taken right and wanted to remove the extra customs duty or soften the conditions. Germany, which is the largest in Europe in terms of automobile production, He said the tariffs could harm the success of German automakers selling vehicles in China. Meanwhile, in recent weeks, Chinese and European Union officials met to discuss the additional electric vehicle tax. During these talks, China demanded the cancellation of the new taxes that went into effect on July 4. However, as it became clear today, no results were achieved on this issue. As you know, Türkiye also imposes extra taxes on electric vehicles brought from China.
