Extra profits, Giorgetti: collected by energy companies 2.7 billion euros

PNRR Giorgetti in these hours there is no collective inspiration

(Finance) – As at 30 November 2022, the payments of the tax on extra profits of the energy companies amounted to approx 2.7 billion euros. As reported by the Minister of Economy, Giancarlo Giorgetti, responding to Question Time in the House. This is an amount “substantially in line with the updated estimates prepared by the Government”, said the minister, recalling that “taxable persons will still be able to make the payment by the deadline of 15 December 2022 without applying the envisaged sanctions”.

On the same occasion Giorgetti reported some data on the Superbonus building, “a measure that costs a lot for benefits given to a few”. “The data currently held by theRevenue Agency for the period October 2020-November 2022 show that the amount of credits is equal to a total of 99.4 billion euros, of which 52.1 attributable to the Superbonus and 24.8 billion to the facade bonus. I leave it to you to evaluate – he added – which ones interventions the Government could have adopted using these resources, such as the overall reduction of tax and social security wedge by about 10 percentage points”.

Finally, the minister replied on the monthexplaining that before proceeding with the ratification of the ESM reform, “an adequate and broad debate is needed in Parliament“. According to Giorgetti, the Mes “appears to be an institution in crisis and for the moment in search of a vocation, an unpopular institution. None of the European countries wanted to ask for your health credit line”. Giorgetti underlined the need to proceed changes in the direction of transforming the Mes “from an instrument for protection against sovereign debt crises and banking crises into a driving force for financing of the investments and for the support to face challenges such as that of high energy prices and the international crisis connected to the Ukrainian events, reviewing the currently envisaged conditionalities or the methods of using resources”.

Giorgetti also expressed satisfaction with the “promotion” by the European Commission of the maneuver. “Italy is therefore included in half of the European countries that are on the right side. This result is a great satisfaction. We have denied the national owls: seriousness and responsibility pay off and will continue to be the basis of all our decisions”, he declared in a note.
