Extensive police operation in Bolivia to capture an alleged perpetrator of the assassination of prosecutor Pecci

Extensive police operation in Bolivia to capture an alleged perpetrator

Bolivia has launched a vast police operation to try to capture the Uruguayan Sebastian Marset, a suspected drug baron, wanted in his country, in Paraguay and in Brazil, as well as by Interpol and the American anti-drug agency.

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His name is associated with the assassination in Colombia of the Paraguayan anti-mafia prosecutor Marcelo Pecci, in May 2022, as one of the masterminds of the crime.

According to the minister of the Bolivian (interior) government, Eduardo del Castillo, since Saturday “ a series of searches took place in the department of Santa Cruz, in the east of the country and on the border of Brazil and Paraguay, as part of Sebastian Marset’s research, ” high value drug dealer “.

This individual is wanted by Interpol, the Drug Enforcement Administration, by countries in the region, such as Uruguay, Brazil and Paraguay added the minister. We mobilized more than 2,250 police officers, more than 144 vehicles, we carried out more than 23 operations, six searches and arrested 12 people. “Sebastian Marset Cabrera, ” of multiple nationalities “, is located ” always in the department of Santa Cruz, with his Peruvian wife and their three children, he said.

According to the first investigations, the alleged baron entered Bolivia last September where he developed certain social activities, appearing in particular as the owner of a second division football club in the region.

Two Colombian brothers, who organized the murder and paid off the hitman who shot Prosecutor Pecci on a Colombian beach in 2022have been sentenced last May in Colombia to 25 years and six months in prison, according to Colombian prosecutors.
