Extensive fire at Lund University

Extensive fire at Lund University

Updated 13.19 | Published 13.06




full screen The rescue service is on site on the roof of the biomedical center at Lund University where a fire started at lunchtime. Stock image Photo: Johan Nilsson/TT

The emergency services have been alerted to a major fire on the roof of the biomedical center at the University of Lund.

– There is an extensive fire on large parts of the roof, the roof in connection with solar cells that are up there, says Peter Larsson, information officer at the South Rescue Service.

The emergency services search the building from the inside to avoid spreading and get a clearer overview.

– Right now we have staff from four stations on site, says Peter Larsson.

The alarm came at 12.25 on Saturday.

The property in question is located next to Skåne University Hospital and at the moment the emergency services do not want to speculate about the causes behind the fire.
