Extends life, kills cancerous cells! Canan Karatay emphatically suggested: More valuable than gold

Extends life kills cancerous cells Canan Karatay emphatically suggested More

prof. Dr. Canan Karatay manages to attract attention with everything she says. Canan Karatay, who broke the ground with her healthy life and natural nutrition suggestions, is known for her anti-obesity. Canan Karatay pointed to olive oil as a food that prolongs life.


Canan Karatay said, “It is a healthy fruit, it is worth gold. Olive oil is also golden water because people kill each other for gold. Olive and olive oil prolong life. Olive oil is much more valuable than gold.

Olive and its oil is a cure for many diseases as well as cancer, stomach and intestinal disorders. If you consume plenty of cold-pressed olive oil, you will not gain weight. Olive oil destroys liver fat. Studies have shown that olive oil destroys cancer cells. Olive oil eliminates joint pain, relieves headaches, softens the skin and makes it velvety.


Dr. Canan Karatay, expressing that olive oil removes fatty liver, said, “When liver fat goes away, it recovers in the brain. It prevents Alzheimer’s, it prevents Parkinson’s, it prevents dementia (dementia), especially since olive oil is organic, it is preventive against Alzheimer’s.


There is no such thing as olive oil benefits! Scientifically proven to prolong life, olive oil is good for everything you can think of, from healthy life to skin care. Here are the benefits of olive oil:

  • Olive oil helps liver function properly
  • regulates digestion
  • Good for constipation
  • Accelerates weight loss by accelerating metabolism
  • Strengthens bones due to its calcium content
  • Beautifies the skin
  • Reduces hair loss
  • Olive oil lowers blood sugar levels.
  • It acts as insulin for diabetics and provides a positive effect on problems.
  • It regulates blood pressure and this ensures that your blood pressure is at a normal level.
  • It reduces stress
  • Olive oil maintains your cholesterol balance.
  • It is good for nipple cracks.
  • It reduces the risk of breast cancer.
