Exprivia wins the 25 million euro ESA tender

Exprivia wins the 25 million euro ESA tender

(Tiper Stock Exchange) – Expriviaa company listed on Euronext Milan and active in the development of innovative software technologies and the provision of IT services, was awarded a 25 million euro contract to lead the project for the provision of the Payload Data Ground Segment (PDGS) from the Italian satellite constellation IRIDE. In creating the PDGS, Exprivia will lead a group of Italian companies made up of Telespazio, Planetek Italia, Serco Italia and Aresys.

The IRIDE space program, which will be implemented in Italy with the resources of the PNRR and managed by ESA in collaboration with the Italian Space Agency (ASI), envisages the creation of one of the most important satellite constellations at European level for of the Earth. Exprivia will create one platform to collect data from over 30 satellitesprocessing them in a systematic way for the study of natural phenomena.

“The project entrusted to us by ESA relating to the IRIDE program represents an important recognition for Exprivia in the context of Earth observation satellite missions – he comments Roberto Medri, Head of Aerospace&Defence Market Innovation Unit of Exprivia – With the know-how acquired in the processing, management and conservation of satellite data, Exprivia supports organizations active in safeguarding the planet”.
