Export raises its head in July (4.1%) but the trade balance is in deficit

Foreign trade slows deficit over 21 billion and export setback

(Finance) – The tricolor export raises its head in Julyafter the beating of the previous month, supported by sale of maritime means of navigation. This is what emerges from the latest monthly report ofIstatwhich also results in a sharp increase in imports due above all to energy raw materials.

In July 2022, there was a cyclical growth for both trade flows with foreign countries, more intense for exports (+ 4.1%) that for the imports (+ 3.4%). Exports grew both to non-EU markets (+ 5.7%) and to the EU area (+ 2.6%).

The trade deficit is equal to -361 million euros, against a surplus of 8,575 million in July 2021. The energy deficit reaches 11,412 million (it was 3,815 million a year earlier) but the surplus in the trade of non-energy products is high (11,051 million) although less large than in July 2021 (12,391 million).

In the quarter May-July 2022exports grew by 6.8% and imports by 8.8%, while the growth on an annual basis highlights for exports an increase of 18% in monetary terms and a 4% drop in volume. The growth of exports in value is much more sustained towards the EU area (+ 21.8%) compared to non-EU markets (+ 14.2%). The import record a trend increase of 44%, which involves both the EU area (+ 21.3%) and, to a much greater extent, the non-EU area (+ 72.9%).

Between contributing sectors mainly due to the trend increase in exports, the following are noted: pharmaceutical, chemical-medicinal and botanical articles (+ 91.4%), refined petroleum products (+ 187.7%), machinery and equipment (+ 9.8%), substances and chemicals (+ 22.2%), base metals and metal products, excluding machinery and plants (+ 9.7%) and food, beverages and tobacco (+ 12.9%).

THE outlet countries the more active they are Belgium (+ 117.7%), United States (+ 22.7%), Germany (+ 11.5%) e France (+ 10.8%). The decline in exports to Russia widens (-36.4%) and sales to Switzerland (-10.8%) and Japan (-17.7%) also decrease.

In the first seven months of 2022the trend growth of exports (+ 21.8%) is due in particular to the increase in sales of base metals and metal products, excluding machinery and plants (+ 23.2%), pharmaceutical, chemical-medicinal and botanical items (+ 44.6%), refined petroleum products ( + 112.5%), chemicals and substances (+ 27.9%) and food, beverages and tobacco (+ 19.5%).

In July 2022 i import prices rise by 0.9% on a monthly basis e 20.6% on an annual basis (it was + 21.5% in June).
