Explosion in Södertälje – no injuries

At 23.45, an alarm was received about the explosion at an address in Viberga.

– No people were injured, but there has been minor damage to the home, says Towe Hägg.

The police have started a preliminary investigation into reportable vandalism.

– The national bomb protection and forensic experts will investigate the site, which is cordoned off. We also knock on doors in the area, says Hägg.

No one is currently in custody.

More detonations and objects in the area

In recent days, Södertälje has been affected by similar events to the night’s explosion. On Wednesday, an object detonated in a residential area, where the police had initially been called when a suspected dangerous object was found.

– So something had detonated earlier. We could therefore judge that the object was no longer dangerous, says Towe Hägg.

Late on Thursday, however, a non-detonated object was found which the police suspected was dangerous. The National Bomb Squad was called in to defuse the object.
