Explosion at villa: “Extensive damage”

Explosion at villa Extensive damage

Updated 07:58 | Published at 7:30 am

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full screen An explosion has occurred at a villa in Upplands-Bro. Archive image. Photo: Tim Aro/TT

The police have been called to an address in the Stentorp area in Upplands-Bro after reports of an explosion. The alarm came in at 06.59 on Thursday morning.

– Something has detonated in or near a small villa and caused extensive material damage to the house, says police spokesperson Daniel Wikdahl.

According to Wikdahl, everything indicates that the house was empty when it exploded and no injuries have been reported.

– It does not seem so, but there is no confirmed information.

On social media, people write that the bang was both heard and felt a long way away.

Aftonbladet has spoken to a witness:

– The entire front of the house is blown out, the person tells the newspaper.

Police and emergency services are on the scene and the national bomb disposal unit is on its way.

– We talk to the neighbors who are there, we work with cordons, look for other potentially dangerous objects in the area and what has caused the incident, says Daniel Wikdahl.
