Explosion at residential building in Nacka

The alarm of a loud bang came in at 10pm on Thursday evening.

– Something has detonated at a residence in the Mensättra area near Västra Orminge, says Nadya Norton, police spokesperson.

Several people were in the home at the time of the crime, but no one was physically injured.

– There is limited damage to the outside of the wall, front door and patio door, says Patrick Johansson, officer on duty at the rescue service

Several police patrols are on the scene and a preliminary investigation into public-dangerous devastation has begun.

The neighbor: “What if it had been at our door?”

Lotta, who lives on the street, tells SVT Nyheter that the family had just gone to bed when the explosion occurred.

– It was a huge bang, everything shook, she says.

Out on the street, she saw damage to one of the houses.

– We are of course excited. None of us can go back to bed. When you live in a townhouse area in this part of Nacka, you don’t think it should happen here. You have felt quite safe. It was an unpleasant awakening.

– What if it had been at our door, that it had gone wrong?

The article is updated.
