Explosion at campsite – three injured


  • Explosion at campsite – three injured

    The emergency services have moved out to a campsite in Tingsryd municipality.

    – It’s a gas stove that exploded, three people are injured, says the rescue service’s command operator.

    Three ambulances and the police are also called to the scene. The extent of the damage is unclear.

    There does not appear to be any fire according to the first information of the emergency services.


  • ICA recalls shrimp salad and baguette

    Listeria has been found in pasta salad with shrimp and baguettes that Ica sells, the company announced in a press release. It concerns ICA Pasta salad with prawns and ICA Cheese and ham baguette, which are now being recalled. More specifically, it applies to products with best before dates 2024.08.06, 2024.08.07, 2024.08.08.

    “We take the incident seriously and are now investigating together with the supplier how this could have happened and how we can ensure that it does not happen again,” says Frida Fahlström, sustainability manager Assortment & Purchase at ICA in the press release.

  • The parents in the “ethics case” are appealing the prison sentence

    The parents in the so-called “ethics case” are appealing the prison sentence and are seeking a stay in the Supreme Court, reports Skånska Dagbladet.

    The mother and father of the girl who was poisoned with vinegar and seriously injured were sentenced to eight years in prison in the district court and the court of appeal. In the Court of Appeal, the damages to the girl were also increased to SEK 1.4 million.

    The parents deny that they harmed or poisoned the daughter.

  • Several are prosecuted after the bombings

    Within the space of just three days, three different explosions occurred in different places in the country – first in Linköping, then in Hässelby in northwest Stockholm and after that, in Uppsala.

    In Uppsala, a woman, 24-year-old Soha Saad, died in the explosion. The events are linked to the criminal environment, but Soha had nothing to do with gang crime. She became an outside victim in Foxtrots gang war.

    Now three people have been indicted for the explosion in Uppsala and a further five people are indicted for the other crimes.

    It concerns, among other things, a 34-year-old man from Stockholm and a 23-year-old man from Kalix but who was originally from Stockholm.

    A strong piece of evidence in the investigation has been, among other things, chats.

    In one of the suspects’ phones, the investigators were able to find a picture that one of the suspects had taken before the bomb exploded.

    – During the trip, you take pictures when you are on your way to Fullerö. It is a microwave that is filled with pink play dough, says prosecutor Thomas Bälter at a press conference.

    The text is updated.

  • Man dead after shooting in Borås


    The police carried out a large operation in Borås on Friday morning.

    – We have received several calls from people who have heard loud bangs, says Christian Brattgård, press officer at the police West.

    A young man is found with a gunshot wound at the scene and is taken to hospital but later dies from his injuries.

    No one has been arrested and the police are investigating the incident as a homicide.

  • Turkey blocks Instagram

    Instagram is being blocked in Turkey, but the country’s internet regulator has not given a reason for the decision.

    An adviser to the president reportedly criticized Instagram for censorship following the death of Hamas political chief Ismail Haniyeh, according to Reuters.

  • Several car fires in Uppsala

    During the night, several cars were set on fire in Gottsunda in Uppsala.

    The police suspect that the fire may be arson.

  • Messy at the car meet

    The classic car week Classic car week in Rättvik has been messy.

    The police have received several reports of assault.

    – There has been a high level of drunkenness and several fights, says the officer on duty at the Bergslagen police region, Maths Thörn to SVT Dalarna.

    The police have received between three and five reports of assault.

  • Here Gershkovich lands on American soil

    Vice President Kamala Harris welcomes Evan Gerschkovich to American soil. Photo: Alex Brandon/AP

    The largest prisoner exchange between Russia and Western countries since the Cold War has been carried out.

    Among those released was the American journalist Evan Gershkovich.

    Just before 6 a.m. Swedish time, Gershkovich landed on American soil. Photos from CNN show how he was received by President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris.

    Gershkovich, who works for The Wall Street Journal, was arrested in connection with a reporting trip in Yekaterinburg in the spring of 2023.

    Without evidence, the Russian authorities claimed that Gershkovich was collecting classified information on behalf of the United States and was recently sentenced to 16 years in prison.

    Read more here.

  • Biden promises Israel protection against Iran

    US President Joe Biden. Archive image. Photo: Evan Vucci/AP/TT

    US President Joe Biden spoke on Thursday with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu about military support to protect Israel.

    “The President reaffirmed his commitment to Israel’s security against all threats from Iran, including its proxies and terrorist groups Hamas, Hezbollah and the Houthis,” the White House said in a statement.

    Biden and Netanyahu discussed, among other things, air defense against ballistic robots and drones, as well as new defensive deployments of the US military, according to the statement.

    Biden also underscored the importance of ongoing efforts to reduce tensions in the region. Vice President Kamala Harris also joined the conversation, according to the White House.

  • Flash: Venezuela’s opposition won

    US Secretary of State Antony Blinken at a press conference during a visit to Mongolia on Thursday. Photo: Munkhbayar Magvandorj/AP/TT

    US Secretary of State Antony Blinken claims there is evidence that the opposition won the disputed presidential election in Venezuela.

    “Given the overwhelming evidence, it is clear to the United States and, most importantly, to the Venezuelan people that Edmundo Gonzalez Urrutia won the most votes,” he said in a statement.

    Incumbent President Nicolás Maduro has declared himself victorious, but the opposition accuses the regime of rigging the result.

  • Biden promises Israel protection against Iran

    US President Joe Biden. Archive image. Photo: Evan Vucci/AP/TT

    US President Joe Biden spoke on Thursday with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu about military support to protect Israel.

    “The President reaffirmed his commitment to Israel’s security against all threats from Iran, including its proxies and terrorist groups Hamas, Hezbollah and the Houthis,” the White House said in a statement.

    Biden and Netanyahu discussed, among other things, air defense against ballistic robots and drones, as well as new defensive deployments of the US military, according to the statement.

    Biden also underscored the importance of ongoing efforts to reduce tensions in the region. Vice President Kamala Harris also joined the conversation, according to the White House.

  • Hezbollah has fired dozens of rockets at Israel

    Hezbollah has fired dozens of rockets at Israel, writes AFP.

  • 78-year-old missing

    A 78-year-old man has been reported missing in Lund and the surrounding area.

    The man is 180 cm tall, has short gray hair on his side legs and wears glasses, according to the police.

    It is currently unknown how the man is dressed, but he may be carrying a rose-speckled backpack.

    The police urge the public to call 112 and request the police’s regional command center if they think they see or have seen the man.

  • Stop in train traffic

    There is a stop in the train traffic between Uppsala and Knivsta, writes P4 Uppland.

    The stop is caused by an accident.

    There is no forecast for when traffic can be up and running again.

    The text is updated.

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  • Should Kamala and Biden even be allowed to participate in negotiations with Iran and Israel when they are about to leave the White House?

    Nils Jönsson

    Hi, the US election hasn’t been yet, it’s only November 5th. Until then, Joe Biden remains president and Kamala Harris vice president.

  • How did the diving in Piteå go regarding Elliot and the fisherman who saw something unidentified down his echo sounder?


    Hello! Unfortunately, the diving did not result in anything, the police announced that nothing was found. You can read more about it here.

  • Hello! The assistance dog Essie has unfortunately still not been found, but has noted here in the chat that there is great interest and we will of course report as soon as we know anything more! Until then, those of you who missed it can read more about Essie here!

  • 🛎️!🛎️!! Hello!!

    Has there ever been such a long break between answers here in the “column” before? Know that there is a lot going on in the world and that it is holiday time, but still?

    Miss you 💛


    Hi Kurre, yes it seems to have been a bit of an unplanned holiday break here, apologies for that! Nice to hear that you have missed us, we have missed you too ☀️

  • The missing assistance dog Essie, has she recovered?


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